Your wifi router is continuously emitting wifi radiation in your home, unless you turn it off. That is the way all routers on the market are designed to work, WITHOUT EXCEPTION.
I have developed firmware for a Wifi 6 router that TURNS OFF THE WIFI on the router when not in use.
It only broadcasts a wifi signal when you are connected. When no users are connected, it goes into standby mode and stops emitting wifi completely
This router device will lower your exposure to wifi radiation coming from inside your home by 90% or more.
This is a must first step that you can take to create a healthier environment at home.
These custom ON-DEMAND routers are available by special order.
You can request one by clicking the button below.
Today's technology is super powerful.
It is capable of making our lives better if used properly. However the opposite has become the case for many of us. Most people ...especially children ...are overusing their devices & developing addictive habits and self-isolating.
Are you on your device too much?
What about your kids?
A good dad shows you the tricks and gives you the tools to navigate & thrive in the world.
In this new world we are all children trying to find our way.
I'm a certified technician of wireless systems and am guiding people towards safer & better ways to use it.
I'm also a teacher of eastern fighting and meditative arts.
There is We need to return to wholeness and wellness.
I've been committed to balancing wellness and technology for many years....as a practitioner, as a teacher and guide, and as a dad.
Help you change you and your childrens' habits so technology doesn't run your lives.
Help you reduce the unnecessary wifi radiation in your home by more than 90%.
Guide you to create a home environment offering your family better health, sounder sleeps, & more peace of body and mind.
-Sleep deprivation
-Device related anxiety
-Procrastinating work / goals
-Binge surfing / watching
-Social Media addiction
-Gaming addiction
-Porn addiction
There are strategies to winning over your usage habits ...ways of becoming empowered rather than being a slave to these devices.
I am here to helping people discover how to use their devices and setup their home so that it makes their lives and the lives of their children better.
In one 90-120 minute consultation I will guide you to change your current wifi / device home setup & the usage habits of everyone in your household.
You will get a comprehensive strategy for equipment, better habits and a healthier environment.
It is about empowering yourselves to reclaim control of your lives.
I stand by what I am offering.
If you don't see improvement after following through with the tools I provide you, I will refund you.
Online consultations run from approx 1.5 - 2 hrs depending on the situation and household size.
Sessions are CA$220 and are backed with a guarantee of results. Payment is made the day of your appointment
You will be brought to a Square Appointments booking page. Please outline any preliminary details you would like me to know about your situation in an Appointment Note at checkout